Bringing photography to life

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Adopted at the Annual General Meeting held on 22nd October 2024

1.     The name of the club shall be BADDOW CAMERA CLUB (herein referred to as “The Club”.
2.     The object of the Club shall be to assist and encourage the Club’s members to pursue the Art of Photography in all and any of its forms.


In furtherance of the object of the Club but no further or otherwise the Club shall have the following powers:
(a)   To hold or promote photographic and other exhibitions;
  To hold or promote such meetings as the Club deems advisable;
   To hold social events and meetings not directly involving the photographic arts;
  To affiliate to such other associations, societies or federations as the Club desires.
3.     The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its objectives as set forth in this constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly to members of the Club.
4.     The Officers of the Club shall be:
(a)    A Chair
    A Vice Chair
     An Honorary Secretary
    An Honorary Treasurer
    An External Competitions Secretary
      An Internal Competitions Secretary
     A Programme Secretary
    A Publicity Officer


5.     The Officers of the Club shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Club from Members of the Club.


6.     The members of the Club may by Resolution in General Meeting appoint a President and Vice Presidents. Each President and Vice President shall rank as an ex-officio member of the Club and shall retain the position until he or she resigns or is removed by members by Resolution in General Meeting.


7.     The Management of the Club shall be vested in the Committee.


8.     The Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Club.


9.     All the powers of the Club shall be vested in the Committee save in so far as the same are hereby expressly required to be exercised by the Club in General Meeting and save that the Committee shall not be empowered to wind up the Club but such winding up can be decided upon only by a General Meeting of the Club.


10.  All monies belonging to the Club shall be paid into such Bank as may be specified by the Committee to the Account of the Club.


11.  The property and investments of the Club (other than money at the Bank) shall be held in the name of the Club by the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer or such other member as may be appointed by the Committee for the time being.


12. (a)  The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held once in every financial year of the Club, and at such meeting the Committee shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election.
(b)    The Annual General Meeting shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary by not less than fourteen days notice in writing given to Members of the Club.
      At the Annual General Meeting a full Account of all receipts and expenditure of the Club duly audited for the year ended next previous to the meeting shall be presented by the Committee. At such meeting the Officials and Committee shall be elected.
    At the Annual General Meeting the members will decide what membership subscriptions and other fees will be levelled by the club.
    An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary upon a request by the Committee or by any five Members upon not less than fourteen days notice of such meeting being given to every Member which shall state the business to be conducted at the meeting.
     Any eleven Members of the Club personally present including the Chairman and/or the Vice Chairman shall be a quorum at any General Meeting.
    At every General Meeting the chair shall be taken by the Chair of the Club or in his/her absence the Vice Chair.
    The voting at a General Meeting shall be by show of hands but the Chairman or any Member may demand a secret ballot which shall be immediately taken and the result thereof declared by the Chairman. In the case of equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.


13.  At any General Meeting every Member of the Club shall have one vote and no person other than a Member of the Club shall be entitled to vote.

14.  (a) The Committee shall meet at least three times in every year.
(b)  Meetings of the Committee shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary of the Club by giving at least seven days notice to each Member or such other shorter notice as the Chairman of the Club may decide.
(c)   Any four members of the Committee personally present including the Chairman or Vice Chairman shall form a quorum.
(d)  The provisions hereinbefore set out in relation to voting and taking of the chair at General Meetings shall apply to meetings of the Committee.
(e)   The Committee shall have the power to fill casual vacancies on the Committee from Members of the Club.

15.  A Resolution to wind up the affairs of the Club may only be moved at a General Meeting convened for the purpose. Such Resolution will become effective only if 75% of Members only attending the meeting vote in favour. Upon winding up or dissolution of the Club all properties of the Club shall be sold and the proceeds, together with all monies held by the Club, donated to a charity or charities as agreed by Members at the General Meeting after payment of any and all outstanding debts.
16.  Subject as hereinafter provided the Constitution of the Club as set out in this Schedule may be added to repealed or amended by resolution at any General Meeting provided that no such Resolution shall be deemed to have been passed by a majority of at least two-thirds of the Members present at the meeting and entitled to vote. Provided no amendment shall be made to the Dissolution Clause 15.